Religious Education

at Grove


Please click on the below links to discover what the children are learning this term.



Year 1 - Special places

Year 2 - Sacred texts

Year 3 - A study of Hinduism

Year 4 - Caring for the world and each other

Year 5 - Religious charities




This half term, Nursery and Reception have enjoyed exploring festivals and celebrations that occur in spring. They have read Mr Wolf's Pancakes and even designed and made their own pancakes too! 

Year 1 - Celebrating Easter

In Year 1, children have explored the Christian festival of Easter. They have thought deeply about Jesus and his disciples. They have considered what makes a good or bad friend. They then thougth about their own friends and the qualities they show that make them good friends.

Year 2 - Stories that Jesus and Muhammad told

This half term, Year 2 have been exploring the lives of two important religious leaders- Jesus and Prophet Muhammad. They have been thinking about the positive qualities that they show and what they can learn from them. They have reflected on what makes a good role model too. 

Year 3 - A study of Sikhism

In Year 3, children have been exploring the sikh faith. They have looked at the meaning and importance of the 5Ks and significance that Guru Nanak holds to sikhs. They visited the beautiful Gurdwara on Soho Road and throughly enjoyed the experience.


Year 4 - A study of Christianity

This half term, children in Year 4 have explored the Christian faith. They have explored the Holy Trinity as 'Three parts, One God'. The children have enjoyed learning about Lent, considering what they would give up and the benefits this would have on them. 

Year 5 - A study of Buddhism

This half term, children in Year 5 have learnt all about Buddhism. They have considered the meaning of materials and the negative qualities that it can cause. The children have enjoyed learning about monks and the life and teachings of The Buddha, consdering what led Prince Siddhartha towards becoming The Buddha.  

Year 6 - Creation

In Year 6, children have been learning about the different religious and non-religious views of the creation of the world. They have drawn comparisons between them and have considered the impacts human activity is having on the world. They have thought deeply and respectfully about their own beliefs and those held by others in class.

Autumn 2023

Nursery and Reception

In Aumtum 2, children in EYFS have explored festivals that happen at this time of year. They have really enjoyed learning about Diwali and Christmas. They made diva lamps and designed their own henna patterns. 

Year 1 – Festivals of Light

In Autumn 2, children have been studying festivals of light. They have explored Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas and thought about why they are celebrated by people around the world. They have read lots of stories relating to these festivals too!

Year 2- A Study of Islam

In Autumn 1, children in Year 2 have studied Islam. They explored the life of Prophet Muhammad and were able to put key events of his life in order. They also explored the importance of the 5 Pillars of Islam, focusing on how Muslims pray. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Masjid-Al-Falah.

Year 3- Initiation Rights 

In Autumn 1, children in Year 3 really enjoyed their Initiation Rights topic. They considered their responsibility towards others in school and creating a sense of belonging to our school community. Children looked at various religious ceremonies for babies when they are born.

Year 4- Learning from the past and having a vision for the future

In Autumn 1, Year 4 children have taken part in deep discussion about the past and having a vision for the future. Children studied the story of Noah’s Ark; they reflected on qualities he showed and how he showed hope for the future. The children came up with detailed thoughts on what they can learn from Noah and how they can show courage in their lives too!

Year 5 - How do different religions advocate for peace?

In Autumn 2, children in Year 5 have been thinking about what peace means and what we can do to create a peaceful world around us. They have studied various religious teachings about world peace and have reflected on what they can do to advocate peace too! 

Year 6- A Study of Judaism

In Autumn 1, children in Year 6 have been exploring Judaism. They have reflected on the qualities of Moses and what made him a good leader. They have also looked at the importance of the Sedar meal and the symbolism involved in it. Furthermore, children also compared their own dietary requirement to those that are outlined in the Torah. 





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