Special Educational Needs

Children have special educational needs if they have a learning or emotional/behavioural difficulty that calls for special provision to be made for them.

Children have learning difficulty if they:
•  Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age
•  Have a disability that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority

Our aims:




The school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Miss C Dowell (Deputy Head Teacher).

Miss Dowell can be contacted on 0121 464 4669 (to make an appointment) or by email c.dowell@grove.bham.sch.uk.


For more information about how we support children with special educational needs at Grove School, please see our latest policies on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Looked After Children:

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Looked After Children Policy


Additional information can also be found in our Special Educational Needs Information Report and Accessibility Plan:

Special Educational Needs Information Report

Accessibility Plan



At Grove School, we pride ourselves on our excellent links with parents and carers.  On Wednesday 2nd October, we held another successful workshop event for parents of children with SEND.  This event was extremely well attended and provided parents with practical strategies to use when supporting their children at home.  We were pleased that Ms Brookes from City of Birmingham Schools was also able to attend this event.  Ms Brookes shared the excellent work her agency does to support children at Grove School and was able to provide parents with practical advice on strategies to use at home to support their children with their emotional and behavioural needs.  It was fantastic to work with parents to select an individual target for their children to work on at home this term.  Keep an eye out on the school website for the next special educational needs parental workshops at Grove School.





SEND October Parental Survey

I have been offered the opportunity to share my child's targets and ISP with the class teacher.

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

Targets and strategies on ISPs are appropriate to my child's needs.

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

The school gives my child the support they need to succeed.

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

I feel my child is making progress in school

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

I know how my child is supported in school.

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

I am able to approach staff about any concerns that I have regarding my child.

100% Agree or Strongly Agree

The school website contains useful information about SEN.

94% Agree or Strongly Agree

(1 parent disagreed)

I feel that the staff at Gove School have given me suggestions of ways to support my child at home.

94% Agree or Strongly Agree

(1 parent disagreed)

Birmingham Local Offer

On 1st September 2014 Birmingham published their local offer setting out, in one place, a wide range of information about Special Educational Needs and the new Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

Information about the Birmingham Local Offer can be found by clicking the image below:

Or watching the following video:

Support From Birmingham City Council for Families of Children with SEND

Please find below information and advice that is available for families of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND):

Children with disabilities and SEND


Occupational Therapy

Please find below a link to the updated Birmingham Occupational Therapy website.  Click each picture to find useful videos and updated information which we hope you will find helpful in supporting your child.

Paediatric Occupational Therapy



Communication and Autism Team

Please watch the video below which aims to raise awareness of autism:



Speech and Language Support

The EasyPeasy App

The EasyPeasy App brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration from a global community of parents, experts, and parenting brands for parents and their 0-5 year olds.

EasyPeasy has partnered with the Department for Education and Speech and Language UK to give families in Birmingham the skills and tools they need to support children’s speech, language and communication development as part of the Talk and Play Project.

Click here to download the app.


Speech and Language UK

Speech and Language UK give families the confidence and skills to help a child​ facing challenges with talking and understanding words.

Click here to find out more.



Should you wish to seek independent advice regarding special educational needs or disabilities, the Special Education Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) exists to provide free impartial information, advice and support to parents of pupils with special educational needs or disabilities in Birmingham.

This service is also designed to help you understand the law and procedures that affect you and your child with special educational needs or disabilities.

Email: sendiass@birmingham.gov.uk

Telephone: 0121 303 5004

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