Maths at Grove

Spring 2024

The focus for this half term has been developing pupils understanding of number through multiplication and division. We have also developed pupils' knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. Pupils have worked hard to make links across these different areas of maths. 


Pupils in Nursery have developed their number sense and are now working to numbers up to 5. They have used nuersery rhyms and objects to help them. Pupils are starting to recognise and write the numerals for numbers 0-5. 




In Reception, pupils have been learning to recognise and count up to 10. They have used numicon and other resources to help them understand number bonds to 10. Pupils have started adding numbers up to 10 with this knowledge. 



Year 1

Pupils in Year 1 have started to add and subtract numbers within 20. They are developing their place value knowledge by recognising the value of numbers up to 50. Pupils understand the vocabulary of greater than and less that and can interpret mathematical symbols like +, - and =. 


Year 2

Pupils in Year 2 have started developing their multiplication and division skills. They have worked hard on making arrays to represent problems and making groups of numbers, with a focus on 2s, 5s and 10s. Pupils are able to recognise and understand the X and ÷. 



Year 3

Pupils in Year 3 have been developing their knowledge of length and perimeter. They have worked hard improve their knowledge of equivalent lengths and they used rulers and meter sticks to measure objects accurately. Pupils know how many cm are in a m and how many mm are in a cm. 


Year 4

Pupils in Year 4 have developed their knowledge of fractions this term. They are able to identify the numerator and denominator of a fraction, how many parts are in a whole and they can also represent fractions in different ways. Pupils have started converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers using pictorial representations to support them. 


Year 5

Pupils in Year 5 are deepening their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. They have been adding fractions together and working with numbers that have thousandths. Their place value knowledge has been extended by working with numbers up to three decimal places. 


Year 6

Pupils in Year 6 have been working out percentages of amounts. They have developed their division skills and are applying their knowledge to statistics. Pupils have been able to represent percentages in different ways including in a pie chart. 



Autumn 2023

The focus for this half term has been securing the children’s understanding of Place Value. The children have been working extremely hard to ensure they have a deep understanding of this foundation of mathematical understanding.


In nursery, the children have been learning to recognise and count numbers up to 3. To support them, they have been using Numicon and natural objects around the classroom and the outdoor space. The nursery children have been representing numbers using sand, numicon and multilink cubes.


The children in reception have been learning to recognise and count numbers up to 5 and have used subitising to recognise numbers up to 5. They have also been finding one more and one less up to 5. Reception have been busy using concrete resources for lots of their maths learning this term. They have been representing number, counting more and less and ordering natural objects according to their size.

Year 1

Year 1 have been working on fluently recalling the number bonds to 10, reading and writing numbers up to 20 and counting forwards and backwards within 50. They have been working on finding numbers that are fewer, more and same, and using maths vocabulary such as lighter, heavier, greater than, less than and equal to.


Year 2

The children in Year 2 have been reading and writing numbers up to 100 and recognising the place value and partitioning 2-digit numbers. They have been finding odd and even numbers, and exploring numbers that are greater than, less then and equal to each other. They have also been looking at shapes, finding the line of symmetry and then completing shapes using the line of symmetry.


Year 3

Year 3 have been working hard to understand how to write and read numerals in numbers and words. They have worked on addition and subtraction this half term. They have been spotting patterns in addition and subtraction calculations, before moving on to completing addition and subtraction calculations with 2 and 3-digit numbers.


Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about rounding for the first time, beginning with learning about multiples of 1000 either side of a number and placing the number on a number line to see where it lies and which multiple it is closer to.


Year 5

Year 5 have been exploring numbers up to 1 000 000 and learning how to read and write these numbers. They have also used concrete and pictorial representations to develop their understanding of fractions. This includes adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions.


Year 6

Year 6 have looked at the place value of decimals this term, understanding their position within a number sequence. They have developed their understanding of fractions and applied this to their new learning of ratio. Bar models and pictorial representations have helped them with this. 




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