Information to help protect children and families from illness during the Winter.
Attendance message to parents
"We are halfway through the school year. We are pleased to let you know that attendance for the whole school is 94.5%. Attendance for all primary schools nationally is 93%. This is something to celebrate. Attendance at Grove is improving.
Thank you for all you are doing as parents to make sure your child comes to school if they are well enough to attend.
Sometimes we know children say they are ill. Lots of you are now more confident in sending your child to school with a cough or cold. You trust us to make decisions about their care in school.
The attendance team will be contacting individual families to offer support where there are real concerns about attendance."
Autumn Attendance
Our current whole school attendance is 92.3%
We have 136 children with 100% attendance from September 2024 to December 2024
Weekly Attendance
Our overall whole school attendace last week was 93.1%
Take a look at the winning classes in each year group this week
Weekly Attendance for each year group
Ten Day Challenge Winners
The ten day challenge has come to an end and winners have been choosen, they have taken their prizes home with them today. We look forward to our next 10 day!
Our Grove Expectations
Pupils, staff and parents are:
• Good listeners and thoughtful speakers
• Are honest and tell the truth
• Are kind and don’t hurt others or their feelings
• Respect all property
• Are supportive of others
• Always do our best
• We treat others as we would like to be treated
Mission statement: “Enjoy, learn, achieve”
Attendance – Our Vision
100% attendance for every child
At Grove School parents, children, staff and governors believe that:
• Every child is important to and is valued by the school
• The school has a commitment to providing the highest possible standard of pastoral care, guidance, support and education and this is harder to achieve if children have poor attendance/punctuality
• Good attendance and punctuality will prepare children for adult life
• We do not want children to experience feelings of isolation, being behind with work or being left out of school events.
It is therefore the responsibility of the whole school community to ensure all children attend school regularly and form good habits in punctuality.
As a reward all children that have 100% attendance for the first term of the 24/25 academic year will recieve an invitation for an attadance party in January 2025
School Policies
Grove School attendance policy ( click on link to open)
Late arrival and collection policy (click on link to open)
Grove School follow Birmingham City Council's attendance procedures for Fast Track to improve attendance and leave in term time. The guidance can be found below.
Fast Track to Improve Attendance.
These can be found at:
Information about the process school follows with regard to Leave in Term Time can be found at:
Whole school attendance letter
Click link below to view the Grove whole school letter for attendance
The Designated Liaison Person is Ms J. Baker
The lead administrator for attendance is Miss M Murphy
Elective Home Education
The school follows the Birmingham City Council policy for Elective Home Education.
Please click the link for a copy of Birmingham City Council policy.
Information from Birmingham City Council for parents can be found at:
Birmingham Local Authority encourages parents / carers to inform them directly of the withdrawal of a child from school, even though schools will also notify the local authority.
We request that parents inform the Head Teacher of their intent to home educate in writing.
For Birmingham City Council advice on school attendance please click here.
Measles immunisation - information for parents - Measles - NHS (