Citizenship at Grove 2023-2024
Teachers and leaders at Grove know our pupils well. We have a very good understanding of the community, its strengths and external forces that may influence the lives of our pupils. Leaders use this knowledge extremely well when planning a curriculum and developing personal growth and wider citizenship opportunities for pupils.
Pupils understand the importance of the Grove Expectations. They can name these and confidently talk about how they demonstrate these expectations when they are at school. The Grove Expectations are referred to regularly in their school day: in assembly time, throughout the curriculum and at playtime. They are aware that these underpin life at Grove.
Through well-attended consultation sessions, the RHE policy and curriculum were agreed by parents and Governors in July 2021. The curriculum for RHE is sequenced and structured so that pupils learn about families and friendships and people who care for them, they know how to be caring friends. The poetry curriculum in the autumn term supports and reinforces learning in this area. Pupils know what being a bystander means. Teachers recognise that sometimes some pupils struggle to be active when something is not right and does not meet the school’s expectations. They deal with this in a sensitive manner, they advocate an honesty is the best policy approach. Pupils know that most friendships have ups and downs, adults work through these situations so that friendships are repaired or even strengthened. Citizenship is a natural outcome of the Grove Expectations which permeate everything we do at Grove.
Citizenship at Grove is not one thread or programme it's woven throughout the school and the children have a rich tapestry of opportunities to choose from in oredr to enhance their citizenship experiences. Lots of children are involved in many projects running across school, developing themselves as leaders and role models for others.
Trained Peer Mediators support the play of younger pupils at lunchtime. A road safety group in year 5 and 6 are helping teachers to communicate with parents their concerns about road safety on Dawson Road. Attendance Ambassadors award good attendance. We have The Green Team who look after plants and Pets Carers who look after the pets in reception, year 1 and year 2.
Digital Leaders:
Digital leaders have been chosen in years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Their role is to:
· promote the safe use of technology around school,
· provide teachers and children with help with technology and computing,
· record a podcast,
· be ambassadors for safe use of the internet.
Reception Library Club:
Year 6 children volunteer to become librarians to support our young readers select, change and return their books alongside Miss Davies.
Peer Mediators:
Children from Year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to apply to become a Grove School Peer Mediators. They are selected by their class peers via vote. Once they have completed their training sessions with Miss Malvernkar; the children in the autumn practice their conflict resolution skills in Upper School and then progress to work with Year 3 and 4 children to support them with solving conflicts in the playground.