A welcome from Ms J Baker, Head Teacher.
Enjoy, learn, achieve.
I am proud and feel immensely privileged to be the Head Teacher of Grove School . Grove is a very special place to work, having been in post for 23 years as the Deputy Head Teacher I know and understand our community extremely well. Our parents are aspirational for their children, they work in partnership with school and show respect for the work of the Grove team. Our parents value education; they are supportive and are keen to take part in the many events we offer.
Our pupils are enthusiastic learners who show a thirst for learning in all aspects of school life. The dedicated team of staff at Grove keep the children at the heart of all we do; they strive to find and develop the interests and talents of every child in our care.
Grove is an exciting place to learn. Our children enjoy coming to school, they feel safe and secure in school. The values and ethos underpin the work of the school. The whole school community understand, follow and respect our Grove Expectations.
The team at Grove are committed to providing a first-class education for every pupil. Curriculum leaders have planned a curriculum that develops the whole child and prepares learners for secondary school, further education and the world of work. Our curriculum is enhanced with educational visits, residential visits and after school clubs.
Every child can achieve at Grove in our friendly, supportive and inclusive school.
Ms Justine Baker BA (QTS) NPQH
Grove School
Dawson Road
B21 9HB
Telephone: 0121 464 4669
Email: enquiry@grove.bham.sch.uk