Enjoy, learn, achieve


Welcome to Grove School



Click here to report your childs absence 

To report your child's absence please click here to complete our absence reporting form.

  •  Absences should be reported by 8.30am
  •  Please complete a form for each of your children

Is my child too ill for school?

Please click here to see the advice from the NHS.

Please click here for latest advice from Birmingham City Council regarding measles immunisations.




The start of the school day

The school gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.45am.

Registers are called at 8.50am.


Water bottles

Keeping hydrated helps children concentrate in lessons. We encourage all pupils to bring a water bottle to school each day. Water bottles will come home each day for cleaning and refilling.


Contacting school

Do you have a question? Do you want to let school know something about your child?


  • Please complete a Parental Enquiry form. Our administration staff have these forms ready for you.
  • Telephone school on 0121 464 4669
  • Email on enquiry@grove.bham.sch.uk


Reception Admissions 2024


Please find below the link for information regarding your child's reception  application.



Year 7 Admissions 2024

Please find below the link for information regarding your child's year 7 application.








Get all the latest news from Grove School


View our latest ofsted report

4th July 2024
Year 3 will be visting Wroxter Roman City
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5th July 2024
Year 3 will be visiting Wroxeter Roman City
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10th July 2024
Year 3 will be visiting Wroxeter Roman City
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10th July 2024
Parents evening will take place between 4:00-6:30pm
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